Crazily enough, spring is here and happening, people! Spring, to me and probably to many of you as well, is a time to get rid of all the old and pave a fresh start for the spring + summer ahead. Although we all make strides in getting rid of old junk around our house - some neglect to turn their attention inwards and focus on cleaning your body out. If it's important to clean your home of all its toxic energy and waste, why isn't important to take the time and energy to do that for yourself? I could go on forever about this - but how about we just cut to 5 tips I have for spring cleaning your body? Lets go!
1. Cleanse + Clean Eating
I know, Oh my God, what a thought - another juice cleanse. Get out of here, Ann. But wait! I have never been high on the juice cleanse trend either, but that was before I tasted Jus by Julie. Her juices aren't cold pressed, which means you are getting every natural benefit from the graciously short ingredient list in every bottle. My favorite? PB + Jus. It tastes like you're drinking a straight up PB+J, but here's the difference, this one is all natural sugars and benefits for days. Plus, peanut butter can make me love anything. If you're not into juice cleanses, one of these bottles are great for a snack. Or zest up your coffee game with their probiotic coffees. Another thing? They have soups too! Gluten free! Vegan! Natural! Are you not as excited as I am?! All bottles are $6 with free shipping! To get the code check out their site:
Keep in mind that once you're done with your cleanse, focus on clean eating. You don't have to have the purest vegetables and fruits picked by your wholesome hands from the farmer's market - not everyone has that time / money. Just focus on incorporating veggies and fruits as the majority of your diet to make sure your body is getting the love and nutrients it deserves. Veggies and fruits are limitless too - so don't worry about eating too much. Detoxing veggies that I love are brussel sprouts, celery, cauliflower, artichokes, asparagus, and my truest love AVOCADOS.
2. Oil Pulling (Not as gross as it sounds!)
Oil pulling! It's not as gross as it sounds, trust me. Swishing around oil in your mouth for 20 minutes on an empty stomach may not sound quite appealing to you, but after you've done it several times - you reap its benefits! Coconut oil has antibacterial properties which helps clean everything out. It also strengthens your teeth, whitens your teeth, and pulls out all the gunk from your tonsils / glands. You know what else it does? Clears your skin! I have seen great results by getting up and doing an oil pull while I get everything prepared to start my day. Don't overthink it. Feed your dog, check some e-mails, play with Snapchat filters, prepare your #OOTD, all while detoxing your body for the day! Do it. And when you do it tweet me and tell me how not so bad it actually is! (@SInsideMyCloset).
3. Sweat It All Out
This girl freaking loves exercising, but I know it's not everyones cup of tea. It's important to find something that doesn't feel like exercise though. Lots of stress? Knock it out with kickboxing. Or stretch it out with yoga. Got the blues? Take a walk or a run on the treadmill or outdoors in the sunshine. Want to connect with your breath while lengthening and strengthening? Pilates it up at home (Blogilates!) or at a class! Right now I've been following Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide and truly feel apart of the BBG Army! Only 28 minutes a day and I can already feel myself getting stronger - and baby abs are definitely saying hello!
Another thing that helps your workout is clothing, duh. I am loving this Sweaty Betty Knock Out tank for my kickboxing days. The fabric is thin, soft, and completely breathable. Plus, if you keep up your routine - you'll feel and look like a knock out!
4. Renew Your Skin
So we've almost covered internal spring cleaning, but your skin needs attention too. I know I faltered on my winter skin care, but I'm trying to perk it all back up this spring. Coconut, coffee, vitamin E, and sea salt all have come together to make Mr. Bean body scrub. It smells delicious and makes your skin so soft and smooth! I got the coconut version + mandarin orange version + body oil all at The Shopping Bag! Their beauty section is seriously hoppin'!
5. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Bottoms up! If you haven't heard it a million times before, drink water, drink more water, and then drink even more water. It is the most easiest and fastest way to flush out toxins from your system. After you've done your oil pulling in the morning, the next step is to wake up your digestive system gently with some warm lemon water. This helps flush out anything from the day before and wake your body up for the day ahead. Don't stop there! Keep sipping! I like getting my water in with large water bottles like this Sip Happens Mason Jar Water Bottle from A Cup Of Quotes. The 20 oz. container and straw makes it easier to guzzle down your water intake for the day. Use code BLOGANDCOFFEE at check out for free shipping on your order!
I hope that these tips find you well and help you reach a place of pure spring cleaning wellness bliss! Have another suggestion? I want to hear about it! Tweet me @SInsideMyCloset!

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